How to create dynamic routes with react-router-dom?

  • Use Link to dynamically generate a list of routes.
  • Use : to indicate url params, :id in the case
  • Use the match object passed as props to the rendered route component to access the url params.
  /* Links */
  { => (<Link to={'heroes/' +} />)}

  /* Component */
  <Route path="heroes/:id" component={Hero} />

class Hero extends Component {
  render() {
    return (

To do this you simply add a colon before the url part that should be dynamic. Example:

  {/* Dynamic Component */}
  <Route path="heroes/:id" component={Hero} />

Also you can use the useParams hook from react-router-dom to get the dynamic value for use in the page created dynamically. Example:

import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";

const Hero = () => {

    const params = useParams();
    // => dynamic value defined as id in route
    // e.g '/heroes/1234' -> equals 1234

    return (...)