How do I install Google Gadgets?

Solution 1:

As a compilation exercise, it is just about possible to force google-gadgets to compile - however I'm doubtful whether google-gadgets for the desktop is useful since Google themselves has discontinued support

Thus this answer will give you enough pointers to achieve this under 11.10:

enter image description here

How to compile:

Install the prerequisites:

sudo apt-get install build-essential bzr autoconf libtool

sudo apt-get install build-essential zip flex desktop-file-utils shared-mime-info zlib1g-dev libgtk2.0-dev libxml2-dev libdbus-1-dev librsvg2-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev network-manager-dev libqt4-dev libstartup-notification0-dev libltdl-dev libqt4-dev

get the source

cd ~/Downloads
bzr branch lp:googlegadgets
cd googlegadgets/

to generate something to compile

sh autotools/

to compile

Now - this isnt straightforward since there is various parts of the code that dont compile in 11.10.

Thus it is interative - fix and then run make. Repeat this until it fully compiles.

The files to edit are:

gedit ggadget/gtk/ &
gedit ggadget/dbus/ &
gedit extensions/gst_video_element/ &
gedit extensions/linux_system_framework/ &
gedit extensions/linux_system_framework/

To take a purist approach - you'll need to replace the code with 11.10 equivalents. Taking the blunderbuss approach ... I just commented out the various sections, or where an int variable needs to be assigned - just assigned it a value of 0.

Obviously - just commenting out code will leave these areas non-functional - I'll leave that to an interested person to investigate the 11.10 equivalents...

Use the make error to comment out the relevant sections ( 'C' comments are /* ... */ and // ...)

to install

sudo make install

to run

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
gg-qt &