How to access Ubuntu Files from Windows on a dual-boot machine [duplicate]

I am running a dual-boot with Windows XP and Ubuntu 11.04. Ubuntu has Open Office as part of the install. Occasionally, when using XP, I need to work on a spreadsheet or other Open Office document but can't seem to access them while using Windows XP. Is there a way that XP can crossover to Ubuntu documents? Are two different versions of Adobe also needed?

Solution 1:

While using XP, you can access your Ubuntu partition with Ext2Fsd.

It is an ext3 and ext4 driver for Windows XP, Vista and 7.

Solution 2:

The "problem" is that Windows can not use ext4 (ubuntu) partitions easily.

My advices would be to mounting your windows partition in Ubuntu and save your documents on your windows drive in your home folder.

You can configure the windows partition to mount with a graphical tool, ntfs-config

sudo apt-get install ntfs-config

Then run it with gksu

gksu ntfs-config


Alternately your can save your documents to a shared device such as a flash drive, or make a separate shared data partition.

See Ubuntu wiki mount windows partition for details.