How can I Install Nvidia Driver GT 520 and Cuda 5.0 in Ubuntu13.04?

Solution 1:

This description is working with hybrid-cards of nvidia, who contains CUDA chipset (additionally in some cases with 'Optimus'-feature) like those with letter 'M' as graphics-cards for notebooks.

no question - linux-headers have to be installed first suiting to your installed kernel.

in case of hybrid-chipsets like CUDA with Optimus this following package might NOT work entirely :

you instead should try this package:

You can download it here:

In this example the 1 year old graphics hypbrid chipset with GeForce 540M CUDA Optimus (notebooks) - CUDA_SDK_1.1_Beta is working quite good ...

On desktop in terminal one first needs to do:

export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/cuda/bin

and on 32-bit-machines this:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/nvidia-current:/usr/lib32/nvidia- current

but on 64-bit-machines this:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda/lib:/usr/local/cuda/lib64

I have kernel 3.9.0 and after:

Strg-Alt-F1 (use Ctrl instead of Strg on most non-German keyboards)

apt-get update

then it depends on your system what works better:

either this package for 32-bit:

apt-get install nvidia-current

or either this package for 64-bit:

apt-get install nvidia-current-updates

(never mix these both packages !)

I simply went out of x:0 with looking for x-window processes (gdm, lightdm, xdm, kdm and else ... ) with top and then ended all concerning x:0-processes with killing them manually:

(in protected mode resp. Strg-Alt-F1)

kill -9 PID number-of-PID

( this works more explicitly than xdm stop, gdm stop or kdm stop resp. lightdm stop and commands like init or telinit are not to recommend here in 12.10 - I write this here, because in many tutorials regarding nvidia these stopping commands are always told )

Then finally I simply ran off that package:


when finish do not forget then:

 gdm start
 kdm start
 lightdm start

following is necessary in case of geforce-cards with cuda-optimus:

back to desktop with:


there type into terminal

sudo add-apt repository ppa:bumblebee/stable

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install --reinstall bumblebee virtualgl linux-headers-generic

(otherwise installation of cuda-sdk-package has no effect)

sudo reboot

now you should have wobbly graphics best working with compiz and cairo-dock and icon-fusion !!!

(remark: later after installing kernel 3.10 - Nvidia-driver CUDA-SDK-1.1 was accepted by 3.10 without further problems)

Solution 2:

I've found this relatively simple approach for installing CUDA in Ubuntu. Unfortunately, the page seems to be incomplete and outdated (12.04).

It basically involves the following steps:

Install the required packages:

sudo apt-get install libxi-dev libxmu-dev freeglut3-dev build-essential binutils-gold

Download "CUDA Toolkit" and "GPU Computing SDK". Substitute "32" for "64" if you're on 32 bits:

cd ~/Desktop

Install the CUDA toolkit (when prompted, choose /opt as the install path)

cd ~/Desktop
chmod +x cudatoolkit_4.2.9_linux_*
sudo ./cudatoolkit_4.2.9_linux_*

Install GPU Computing SDK (once again, choosing /opt as your install path upon prompt)

cd ~/Desktop
chmod +x

Prepare for compilation

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/cuda/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/cuda/lib:/opt/cuda/lib64
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/opt/cuda/bin' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/cuda/lib:/opt/cuda/lib64' >> ~/.bash_profile

Compile SDK

cd ~/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/C
LINKFLAGS=-L/usr/lib/nvidia-current/ make cuda-install=/opt/cuda

NOTE: In case you are using the latest (post-release updates; version current-updates) instead of the recommended (version current) Nvidia drivers, then change the LINKFLAGS to read:

cd ~/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/C
LINKFLAGS=-L/usr/lib/nvidia-current-updates/ make cuda-install=/opt/cuda



If you can see the picture, it works!

If you are using optimus with bumblebee, run the above with optirun as below:

optirun ~/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/C/bin/linux/release/./fluidsGL


cd ~/Desktop
rm cudatoolkit_4.2.9_linux_*


rm -r ~/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK
sudo rm -r /opt/cuda

Also, remove the export PATH=$PATH:/opt/cuda/bin and export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/cuda/lib:/opt/cuda/lib64 lines of the ~/.bash_profile file.

Also, I've found this easy script

Which namely only works for 12.04, but according to Jiří Doubravský, it also works on 12.10 and 13.04.