Preview photos in Windows 10

So in windows 7, you could see the photo thumbnails before you clicked on a photo to open it. Now, in windows 10, all you get is this:

enter image description here

So in order for me to find a picture, I have to double click it and hope to find it. Is there a way to enable a preview of some sort so I can quickly find what I need?(Just like on windows 7 where it showed the picture)

Solution 1:

In Windows Explorer, go to the View Menu > Options > View Tab, and deselect "Always show icons, never thumbnails"

enter image description here

Solution 2:

I haven't changed any settings yet I see the icons. Try clearing your thumbnail cache. Search Disk Cleanup in Start/search bar and open it. Check Thumbnails and click OK.

Disk Cleanup

If that does not fix it, rebuild your icon cache. I would also recommend restarting your computer after trying these options.

Solution 3:

  1. hit the VIEW tab
  2. hit OPTIONS

enter image description here

Solution 4:

Try right-click on any image -> Properties -> Change(around the top at the right) -> try changing it to photo gallery or windows photo viewer