Pin applications to multiple desktops in Windows 10

One of the big new features for Windows is the fact that multiple "virtual" desktops are now natively supported, allowing you to organise collections of windows together and separate groups of tasks.

This is good.

You can move windows between desktops by clicking the "tasks" button and then right clicking an application window and selecting "Move to..."

This is a bit clunky and not quite so good.

I have two monitors and often like to have a film playing on my second monitor, either in a web browser or media player, while I have a browser and some other applications on the main screen. Doing this isn't a problem in my current setup, it just works.

With the advent of virtual desktops I was wanting to put the browser on one virtual desktop and another app on another virtual desktop and still be able to watch the video when I switch desktops, effectively having it visible on both virtual desktops. Using the default Film & TV app to play a video and then moving to another desktop simply results in your video stopping without any warning.

This is not good.

What I was hoping was that either the two monitors would have their own virtual desktop or their would be some "pin to all desktops" option similar to the "sticky window" feature that I have seen in many Linux based window managers.

Is there some way to achieve this?

The feature has now been released as one of several "Virtual Desktop Improvements" in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update (Build 14316):

You can now pin a window so it’s available on every desktop. To do this, launch Task View then right-click on the window you want to pin and choose “Show this window on all desktops”. Try pinning Skype or Groove Music so they’re always at your fingertips. And if you have a multi-mon setup, you might enjoy the ability to have your email app on the second monitor no matter which desktop you switch to.

enter image description here

Yep. [almost :)] Every window with WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW attribute is visible on all desktops.

Autohotkey is a great help in this. Example script - MyLoop.ahk:

WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW := 0x00000080
   WinSet, ExStyle, +%WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW%, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1

Put this in windows startup and Google Chrome window will "stick" to all virtual desktops.

Or assign this as a hotkey: Example script - MyHotkeys.ahk:

WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW := 0x00000080
+MButton::WinSet, ExStyle, ^%WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW%, A
^MButton::WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, toggle, A

Put this in windows startup and you can TOGGLE "sticky" state for any window by pressing Shift+middle button click on it.

Addition key - Ctrl+middle button click will toggle "topmost" state. Very useful.

PS: modern applications (e.g. windows 10 Calculator) somehow ignore this. Don't know why. But for windows explorer window and most of 'old applications' - it's work all right

Based on @idj solution above, this is how to do it in C:

exstyle = GetWindowLongPtr(hwndPtr, GWL_EXSTYLE);
SetWindowLongPtr(hwndPtr, GWL_EXSTYLE, exstyle);