Applescript to retrieve account and password using keychain scripting

If you know the exact name of the keychain item, you could use the following:

tell application "Keychain Scripting" to tell keychain "login.keychain" to get {account, password} of (first Internet key whose name is "")

Thing is, Keychain Scripting is slow and quite buggy. For example, searching for a specific keychain item in the example above using name contains instead of name is does not work. You would have to use a repeat statement similar to what @Philip posted:

tell application "Keychain Scripting" to tell keychain "login.keychain"

    repeat with x from 1 to (count every Internet key)
        if name of Internet key x contains "Google" then
            return {account, password} of Internet key x
        end if

    end repeat
end tell

If you´re okay to use the command line and just want to look up stuff, I´d rather use: security find-internet-password -g -s and then grep what you want.

Keychain scripting is pretty well broken in Lion, so the security command-line tool is your best bet. Alternately, use Red Sweater's scripting addition, which is faster and easier to script for than the old Keychain Access scripts.

Red Sweater Blog: Usable Keychain Scripting for Lion

Keychain is exposed to Applescript via the Keychain Scripting application. There are numerous examples on the web, this being the most basic usage:

set theShortUserName to do shell script "/usr/bin/whoami" --get the short
userid. This is how your default keychain is labled.

tell application "Keychain Scripting"
    set myKeyChain to keychain theShortUserName
    set theKeyList to every Internet key of myKeyChain --email keys are
normally Internet Keys
    repeat with x from 1 to (length of theKeyList)
        set theKey to item x of theKeyList
        if the name of theKey is "name of key here" then
            set thePassword to password of theKey --grab the password
            set theUserID to the account of theKey  --grab the userid
        end if
    end repeat
end tell

From MacScripter