Why did my rMBP13 (late 2013) wake up every minute until battery depleted with reason: ? (Question Mark)?

Solution 1:

I had exactly the same issue with my MacBook Pro, with XQuartz installed too (to use Wireshark). The issue never happened until I started Wireshark the first time with XQuartz. Maybe it could be the cause of the issue.

I removed XQuartz but the issue continues to remain. It happen not all the time but sometimes the issues appears again. Apple support have absolutely no idea why it happens and they proposed me to format disk and reinstall OS X. This would be a solution for a Windows operating system... for now they don't really want to investigate this issue as I can see (even if there are more people having it with different types of MAC products...). It looks clearly like a bug in OS X

I try to analyse which processes are running when issue happens in order to determine which one could be involved

Wait and see...

Solution 2:

Uninstalling Avast solved the issue. It's not a good solution but for now it works. I don't think Avast is the cause of the problem but coupled with XQuartz it could have triggered something nasty in OS X.

Apple technical support told me to wait on next system updates, maybe they have found something. I hope so :)