No repository found error in Installing ADT in eclipse Indigo

This error comes when I try to install ADT:

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=epp.package.jee, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,,16.0.1.v201112150204-238534
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,,16.0.1.v201112150204-238534
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,,16.0.1.v201112150204-238534
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,,16.0.1.v201112150204-238534
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,,16.0.1.v201112150204-238534
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,,16.0.1.v201112150204-238534
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,,16.0.1.v201112150204-238534
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,,16.0.1.v201112150204-238534
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,,16.0.1.v201112150204-238534

An eclipse Java EE version and I'm following This. Platform is Windows.

Uncheck “Contact all update sites during install to find required software” (this is causing the error message above).

Just had the same issue.

I removed the site and then re-added it, then everything downloaded fine.

for the latest update, I had to use the url

Please note the "https" as well as the "/" at the end of the url.

My initial ADT URL was and that was giving me this error.

I solved it by replacing https with http and running the update again.