Are there any Quality Management tools other than SonarQube [closed]

We in our organization are trying to implement a source code quality management tool. SonarQube is one such tool that we have come across, and it's quite full of features and is phenomenal. We want to compare it with its peers, if there are any, before we actually implement it.

Are there any good contenders to Sonar's capabilities and features?

  • Squale (free)
  • Kalistick
  • MetrixWare
  • Cast

Panopticode is a good opensource alternative.

if you are concerned only about quality of code, then Sonar is a great tool and it is a way to go.

Though, I would recommend you to also look at the quality from a broader perspective. For example your customer would not care a lot about your code quality and instead would evaluate quality as number of bugs he encounters in your product releases. So in addition to code, you may analyse your defects, quality of your development process and probably many other aspects.

You may take a look at programeter, if you are interested in quality of the product as a whole, and not just the code quality (disclaimer: I am the co-founder at Programeter).