How can I open the context menu on start menu search results from the keyboard

In Windows 7, when I hit the widows key and start typing to find a file, I can easily launch a found file by using the arrows to navigate to the file in question and hitting enter. That launches the file in its associated program. I can also hit Ctrl + Shift + Enter to launch it as an administrator. That's all good.

However, sometimes I want to do something with that file other than launch it in its default program. Sometimes, I'd like to use the right click context menu to open the file. I know most places in the OS, I can use Shift + F10 or sometimes Ctrl + Shift + F10 to open that context menu. Unfortunately, those don't work when I have a file search result highlighted in the start menu. In that case, it brings up a generic and not very useful context menu with copy and paste options, rather than the right click menu. If my keyboard has the Menu/Application key on it, I can use that to open the actual context menu. Unfortunately, my laptop's keyboard doesn't have that key, and I have no way to do this.

Does anyone know how to make this happen?

Solution 1:

I don't know if there is a solution build into Windows. A workaround you could use is install AutoHotKey and create your own shortcut for that action.

Solution 2:

Most keyboards have a rightclick key. It is beside the right hand windows key. Highlight the menu entry and hit the key to emulate a right click.

Solution 3:

Open the search results in an own explorer window (2 times Tab, then Enter from the start menu search dialogue). Here, the Shift+F10 combination works as expected.

This workaround costs 3 more key presses but you can still avoid using the mouse.

The original problem is that the focus is not realy moved from the search input field to the search results.