disabling hyper-v in windows 10 causes complete network failure

Solution 1:

I uninstalled all my Network adapters in Device Manager and then I right-clicked and chose Scan for hardware changes and my existing/standard adapter came back and was working right-away.

Solution 2:

I had a similar problem after removing Hyper-V, and resolved it by reconfiguring my netowork adaptor. I had to do this because I discovered the netsh commands had left things in an invalid state.

According to, to pick one example of many, this blog, the following netsh command "Removes all user configured IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) settings":

netsh int ip reset

However, what I found was that while this command did clear the static IP address I'd set, it left the option selected to use a static IP address:

enter image description here

Once I re-entered my static IP settings, the yellow triangle disappeared and the network came back.

To satisfy myself that netsh had really done this, I repeated the whole exercise, adding and removing Hyper-V, and exactly the same thing happened when I gave the above netsh command. It seems netsh is somewhat buggy. Its use for TCP/IP functionality should anyway be viewed as deprecated: while looking at the netsh commands I noticed advice to this effect from Microsoft, which doesn't show up when full netsh commands are used, but only when you go to the "int" (interface") level in netsh:

In future versions of Windows, Microsoft might remove the Netsh functionality
for TCP/IP.

Microsoft recommends that you transition to Windows PowerShell if you currently
use netsh to configure and manage TCP/IP.

Type Get-Command -Module NetTCPIP at the Windows PowerShell prompt to view
a list of commands to manage TCP/IP.

Visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=217627 for additional information
about PowerShell commands for TCP/IP.
netsh interface>ip
netsh interface ipv4>