Nesting IF in Windows Bat file

I am having some difficulty in understanding how the Nested IF works in windows .bat script. What I wish to achieve is as follows. I shall be passing two parameters to a bat file

IF first parameter = 0 AND if Second parameter = 0 run proc1

IF first parameter = 0 AND Second not 0 run proc2

IF first parameter is not 0 run proc 3

The skeleton of the code I have written so far is

@echo off

IF %1% == 0 (
    IF %2% == 0 ( goto proc1
    ) ELSE ( goto proc2
  ELSE ( goto proc3

echo in Proc1 0 0
echo in Proc2 0 N0
echo in Proc3 N0  0

The issue is that it’s working fine for the first two conditions but when first parameter is non zero is still falls thru proc1 whereas expected is proc3. What am I missing here? The script does not give any error except if the parameters are omitted in the first place.

Solution 1:

I'm not actually sure you need ELSE, let alone a nested IF, for your use case:

@echo off

IF NOT "%1%"=="0" (
    goto proc3
IF "%2%"=="0" ( 
    goto proc1

goto proc2 

echo in Proc1 0 0
echo in Proc2 0 N0
echo in Proc3 N0  0

If for some reason you really do want to nest your IFs, you're missing a bracket:

Your batch:

IF %1% == 0 (
    IF %2% == 0 ( goto proc1
    ) ELSE ( goto proc2
***MISSING )***  ELSE ( goto proc3

Batch that should work:

IF "%1%" == "0" (
    IF "%2%" == "0" ( 
    goto proc1
    ) ELSE ( 
    goto proc2
) ELSE ( 
    goto proc3