Is there a keyboard shortcut to select the entire current line in Notepad++?

Press Home then Shift+End.

End then Shift+Home can also be used. If you need to select the line from the very beginning instead of the first indented character, press Home twice.

You can also record this as a macro and then set a shortcut to that macro. However Ctrl+A is used as select all in almost all text editors and textboxes, thus changing it could make things more confusing. Use another shortcut instead

If you just want to copy/cut/delete the lines, there are already shortcuts for you:

  • Line delete Ctrl+Shift+L
  • Line cut Ctrl+L
  • Line copy Ctrl+Shift+T (changed to Ctrl+Shift+X in newer Notepad++)

There are also other actions without default shortcuts like line transpose, line join, line duplicate... Just select Settings > Shortcut mapper > Scintilla commands, select SCI_LINETRANSPOSE / SCI_LINEDUPLICATE / SCI_LINESJOIN... and assign them.

If Ctrl+Shift+T doesn't work for you then it's because the shortcut has been assigned to 2 different features, causing a conflict as PryrtCJ answered below. In newer Notepad++ line copy has been changed to Ctrl+Shift+X, and a shortcut conflict warning has also been added, making life a bit easier

enter image description here

See Lists of default mouse and keyboard shortcuts for Notepad++ and some plugins

If you're using a mouse, single click the line number on the left or triple click in the line also do the trick.

For those for whom the accepted answer doesn't work: I just answered a similar concern in the Notepad++ Community. Basically, there are two commands associated with Ctrl+Shift+T shortcut simultaneously, and the other appears to be taking preference.

If you would prefer Ctrl+Shift+T to reference SCI_LINECOPY, find the conflicting command (for example, Shortcut Mapper >> Main menu >> Restore Recent Closed File, which is what's causing the conflict in my copy of NPP), select Modify, then change the dropdown letter from T to NONE and hit OK. Assuming there are no more conflicts, the shortcut will revert to SCI_LINECOPY.

Hope this helps.