A more formal word for "tech-savvy", relating to IT technologists in particular

Good morning. I'm struggling with formalizing this sentence:

Online password managers are popular among tech-savvies.

This is too casual--I would like a better word for tech-savvies, preferably describing someone knowledgeable about IT/computers, i.e. a power user of sorts.

You can use technophile:

Online password managers are popular among technophiles.

From Dictionary.reference.com:

1. a person who loves or is enthusiastic about advanced technology.

Online password managers are popular among the more technically proficient.

Two portmanteau neologisms that might fit the bill are:


An elite within a technical group.


An elite group with an online community.

It's debatable whether either are real words yet, but I've seen both used a great deal in the UK press.

Before "tech-savvy", I always used to use "computer literate".

Online password managers are popular among _____.

I can't really think of a single word formal answer. IMO, IT professionals are implicitly considered power users. Computer experts might fall in the same category. I would also consider techies or for added emphasis seasoned techies. While it is a tad informal, I've seen techies used just about everywhere.

As online password managers are not used only by IT professionals, you could also simply state experienced/seasoned internet users.