Why is there no Recycle Bin?

Why doesn't Ubuntu have their Recycle bin/Trash function the same as Windows.

In Ubuntu there is Trash folder, which functions exactly as a folder. There is no disk space difference after a file has been Trashed. However In Windows, it appears available memory will increase if I move file(s) to the Recycle bin.

I am a bit puzzled. Ubuntu does have a recycle bin (called either Trash or Rubbish Bin).

When you delete a file or folder from Nautilus, it goes to the Rubbish Bin. You can go to the bin and right-click and restore. Or, you can empty your Rubbish Bin if you wish to reclaim the space.

Windows is just the same. When you put something in the recycle bin, your hard disk space is not reduced, because it's still there on the disk. Your disk space is reduced only when you empty the bin.

Try putting the location


into the file manager (Nautilus). For example, from the command prompt:

$ nautilus trash:///

will open up the file manager at that location.

The physical location of the file is:


(i.e. /home/username/.local/share/Trash)

There are two subfolders, files and info, which contain the files, an the information about them (original location, deletion date/time).

This works pretty much the same way as in Windows

Windows simply lies about the remaining disk space, the space isn't actually cleared until you empty the bin. As a challenge, find a small hard drive and install windows. Fill 98% of the remaining space with a large file and then send it to the recycling bin. Windows will report that the free space has been reclaimed, yet the file is still in the bin and can be restored.

Now create another large file and recheck the recycling bin, notice something missing? Windows silently removes items from the recycling bin when there isn't enough free disk space to continue its deception.

A la Microsoft: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/136517