How to Live Streaming on YouTube?

This is not gonna be easy, but we can do it. We will stream to, which can stream to YouTube Live.

Here we go:

Preparing the libraries: Type these commands in Terminal.

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
sudo apt-get install libx264-dev libavcodec-extra-53

The code required to stream: Open gedit/Text Editor and paste this code:

Save the text file as in your /home/ directory.

Obtaining a Twitch Streaming Key: Go to and get your Streaming key. Open gedit/Text Editor and paste the key into it. Name this file as .twitch_key and save it in your /home/ directory, same as the file.

Going live: Open Terminal and type this:

cd /home/
chmod 755

If there are no errors, you'll see your screen on the Twitch Dashboard.

Streaming from Twitch to YouTube: Visit to setup your YouTube account and got to your live feed to share on YouTube. If Twitch does not allow live streaming to YouTube, why not add a screen to your YouTube feed to ask users to go to Twitch?

Please upvote if you think this helped you.

A big thank you to The Game Engine for the code.

UPDATE: Got it!!! There you go: Install Snowmix first.

And then GStreamer: Search on Ubuntu Software Center for the same.

Now read this guide and set it up. Voila, forget Twitch and stream to YouTube directly!