Stacking multiple columns on to one?

I am using Google SpreadSheet, and I'm trying to have multiple sheets containg a list of words. On the final sheet, I would like to create a summative list, which is a combination of all the values in the column. I got it sort working using =CONCATENATE() , but it turned it into a string. Any way to keep it as a column list?

Here is an example as columns:


  • apple
  • orange
  • banana


  • pineapple
  • strawberry
  • peach


  • apple
  • orange
  • banana
  • pineapple
  • strawberry
  • peach

Updated Answer

I was right there is a much better solution. It's been posted below but I'm copying it here so it's in the top answer:


Caveat: This will include one blank cell in certain scenarios (such as if there's one at the end of the first list).

If you're not concerned with ordering and a tailing blank cell a simple sort() will clean things up:


Otherwise a filter() can remove the blanks like so:


The following is the old deprecated answer

I'm confident that this is "The Wrong Way To Do It", as this seems such an absurdly simple and common task that I feel I must be missing something as it should not require such an overwrought solution.

But this works:


If your data contains any ';' characters you'll naturally need to change the delimiter.

The basic way, is just to do it as arrays like so


The problem with this method, as I found out is that its very time consuming if you have lots of columns. I've done some searching around and have come across this article:

Joining Multiple Columns Into One Sorted Column in Google Spreadsheets

The core formula is


Obviously you'd replace the A:Z to whatever range you want to use. And if you want to do some sorting or removing duplicates, you'd simply wrap the the above formula in a SORT() and/or UNIQUE() method, like so..


Hope this helps. Happy coding everyone :)

You can use this:


Works perfect here!

The unique() function gets rid of blank spaces, but wasn't helpful for me because some of my rows repeat. Instead I first filter the columns by len() to remove blank cells. Then I combine the columns together in the same way.

={filter(A:A, len(A:A)); filter(B:B, len(B:B))}