What's the best term for "geographical level"?

I'm creating an interface where users can choose which geographical level to report on. I.e., they're choosing between "Country", "State", and "City". Is there a better term than "level" to describe these choices?

UPDATE: as noted in the comments below, the "geographical" part of this label will actually be "Geo" because that's a standard term in online advertising, FWIW. So I'm looking for something better than "Geo Level", and probably something that tends toward the colloquial, rather than the formal or technical.

These are often called divisions or subdivisions, whether geopolitical, geographical, or administrative.

"Scale" is the best word I can think of: "A proportion used in determining the dimensional relationship of a representation to that which it represents." (Reference: AH)

The first word I thought of was granularity, since that is what we use in the GIS industry.

However, you mention you are looking for something less technical, so I'd suggest extent. The geographic extent describes the degree to which an area is covered, so it would seem to fit your requirement.

If you wanted something very colloquial, you could use zoom.