"in a similar way as" or "in a similar way to"?

Consider the two statements:

A is constructed in a similar way as B


A is constructed in a similar way to B

Which one is correct, or can they both be?

By the way, I originally thought of the sentence is a weakened form the following:

A is constructed in the same way as B

This might subconsciously lead me to prefer the former construction, although if I would expand the sentences above into imagined longer versions, I might have to choose between

A is constructed in a similar way as the way in which B is constructed


A is constructed in a way that is similar to the way in which B is constructed

where I guess the latter sounds better.

It is "the same as" or "similar to". As should not be used with similar.

See this ruling on The Free Dictionary:

similarity n ˈsimilarly


Usage: As should not be used after similar: Wilson held a similar position to Jones (not a similar position as Jones); the system is similar to the one in France (not similar as the one in France)

I'd use in a similar way to, but both are used. Ngram shows that to is the most used form.