How do I make a reference to a figure in markdown using pandoc?

I'm currently writing a document in markdown and I'd like to make a reference to an image from my text.

this is my text, I want a reference to my image1 [here]. blablabla


I want to do that reference because after converting my markdown to pdf, images get placed in one or two pages after and the document doesn't make any sense.


I've tried Ryan's answer in that post and I can't make it working. Apparently the code :

[image]: image.png "Image Title" 
![Alt text][image] 
A reference to the [image](#image).

should produce:

\includegraphics[keepaspectratio,width=\textwidth,height=0.75\textheight]{i mage.png} 
\caption{Alt text} 

A reference to the image (\autoref{image}).

instead, I obtain:

\caption{Alt text}

A reference to the \href{\#image}{image}.

I've noticed two problems :

  • \label{image} doesn't appear : no reference is created.
  • (\autoref{image}) becomes \href{\#image}{image} : no cross reference is detected.

And then, when I convert that to pdf it obviously doesn't link to the image. There's a link, but it doesn't link to anything.

Any help would be much appreciated!!

Solution 1:

In pandoc you can even do:

![This is the caption\label{mylabel}](/url/of/image.png)
See figure \ref{mylabel}.

Solution 2:

You can use the pandoc-fignos filter for figure numbering and referencing. It works with any output format -- not just LaTeX.

Add a label to the image's attributes like this:

 ![Caption.](image.png) {#fig:description}

... and then reference the figure like this:


Information on how to install and apply the pandoc-fignos filter is given on its Web page. There is also the pandoc-eqnos filter for doing the same kind of thing with equations.

Solution 3:

I've had a chat with Ryan Gray after reading his answer in a similar post. Actually his solution of using :

[image]: image.png "Image Title" 
![Alt text][image] 
A reference to the [image](#image).

is only adapted when using multimarkdown.

When it comes to pandoc, the only solution to make cross references is using directly latex keywords:

[image]: image.png "Image Title"
![Alt text \label{mylabel}][image]
See figure \ref{mylabel}.

Solution 4:

Pandoc supports referencing sections (via section identifiers prefixed by #).

Comments on this open issue describe how the following workaround leverages section identifiers for generating image references in LaTeX and HTML:

<div id="fig:lalune">
![A voyage to the moon\label{fig:lalune}](lalune.jpg)


[The voyage to the moon](#fig:lalune).

The empty line before </div> is required.

Solution 5:

With pandoc-crossref you can cross reference figures with the following syntax:


Then reference the figure in the text similar to the citation syntax [@fig:label] and compile with --filter pandoc-crossref (needs to come before --filter pandoc-citeproc if you're using that also).

You can control the styling with e.g. \usepackage[font=small,labelfont=bf]{caption} in header-includes.

A neat related trick if you use \listoffigures in latex, is this lua-filter, which allows you to set a short title instead of having the entire figure legend showing up in your list of figures:

![Caption](file.ext){#fig:label short-caption='my short caption'}

then compile with --lua-filter short-captions.lua.