How to resolve "dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path.." error

It is a bug with awscli and it might be fixed with the next versions. That's why, a best practices is to upgrade :

brew upgrade awscli

You must have messed up with the brew. Try reinstalling it using: brew install awscli (followed by brew link awscli if needed).

After read the topic, It works for me:

  1. Uninstall aws
$ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/aws
$ sudo rm /usr/local/bin/aws
  1. Reinstall it again
    $ brew reinstall awscli

This error occurs because your virtual environment has broken symlinks. Here is a nice solution taken from tevino's fix_virtualenv gist:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

ENV_PATH="$(dirname "$(dirname "$(which pip)")")"
SYSTEM_VIRTUALENV="$(which -a virtualenv|tail -1)"


echo "Ensure the root of the broken virtualenv:"
echo "    $ENV_PATH"

if [[ -z "$ENV_PATH" ]] || [[ "$ENV_PATH" = *"$BAD_ENV_PATHS"* ]]; then
    echo "The root path above doesn't seems to be a valid one."
    echo "Please make sure you ACTIVATED the broken virtualenv."
    echo "‼️  Exiting for your safety... (thanks @laymonk for reporting this)"
    exit 1

read -p "‼️  Press Enter if you are not sure (y/N) " -n 1 -r
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
    echo "♻️  Removing old symbolic links......"
    find "$ENV_PATH" -type l -delete -print
    echo "💫  Creating new symbolic links......"
    echo "🎉  Done!"

Also, here is a similar question: Broken references in Virtualenvs.

I had similar issue while installing awscli with homebrew on mac. So final approach was "brew uninstall python3" and reinstall awscli again.