What would be a colloquial word for using public transport for free?

My English roommate and I were just having a conversation about what colloquial word(verb) you would use if you used public transport for free. In German we have the term "schwarzfahren." The translations the dictionaries were giving for that German verb did not really convince my English roommate (such as to fare-dodge). Does anybody know of an appropriate term?

Sense 4 of the verb bunk in websters-dictionary-online is shown as

Avoid paying; "beat the subway fare"

I haven't found other dictionary sources to support that usage, but FumbleFingers' comment notes that bunk a train and bunk the tube are used in British English. Several blog and youtube sources show that this usage is widespread, although ngrams for bunk a train,bunk the train,bunk a tube,bunk the tube shows that it is not yet found in books.

In some circumstances, stowaway (“a person who hides on board a ship, train, etc. so as to get a free passage”) may work.

Fare-dodger with or without the dash would work for me and for BBC and the UK Daily mail - officially they are partaking in fare evasion

I found Free-riding in the NGRAM viewer

Usually you hear freeloader, but I just watched a movie where someone was referred to as a "freeloadin' sumbitch" while being tossed from a bus. So, the verb form is common enough among public transport security.