Software for Galois Theory

Background: While studying Group Theory ( Open University M208 ) I had a lot of benefit from the Mathematica Add-on package AbstractAlgebra and later from the GAP software. I am currently self-studying Galois Theory ( using Ian Stewart's Galois Theory ).

Question: Is there a program that calculates the Field Extensions / Galois Group for a ( simple ) polynomial ?

Solution 1:

Canonical answers are Sage, Pari, Magma. The first two are open source, the last one costs money but has an online calculator. Type for example



in the online calculator and hit submit. See the online manual on how to interpret the result.

Solution 2:

I haven't checked it out myself, but have you looked at "Computing Galois Groups with Mathematica" in the Wolfram Library Archive? From the description, it may do what you want:

Mathematica can be used to compute and form Cayley tables of the Galois groups of polynomials in Q. In addition, Mathematica can actually define a field extension and directly produce the elements of the Galois Group.