Split "Trash" directories on KDE5

In KDE4 (Kubuntu 14.04) there was a trash directory per file system (on /home it was somewhere under ~, on other filesystems it was (from memory) a /.trash/{id}/. The benefit was that trashing files was quick since they were just moved to that directory.

In KDE5 (Kubuntu 16.04) I only have one trash directory in /home, and deleting things on the second disk is slow (and induces wear in the SSD). Is there a way to configure trash to work as in KDE4?

Specifications and Standards

The KDE (*1) is using Freedesktop specifications: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/ . In this case - Desktop Trash Can Specification: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/trash-spec/

By the 'Trash directories' (short):

  • A system can have one or more trash directories.

  • An administrator can create an $topdir/.Trash directory. If an $topdir/.Trash directory is absent, an $topdir/.Trash-$uid directory is to be used as the user's trash directory for this device/partition. $uid is the user's numeric identifier.

  • When trashing a file, if this directory does not exist for the current user, the implementation MUST immediately create it, without any warnings or delays for the user.

  • If both (1) and (2) fail (that is, no $topdir/.Trash directory exists, and an attempt to create $topdir/.Trash-$uid fails), the implementation MUST either trash the file into the user's “home trash” or refuse to trash it.

At here, with the Dolphin file manager, 'trashing' the 'TrashTest.txt' file:

enter image description here

The /.Trash-$uid is created.

Does your user and the KDE session have the right to create the needed /.Trash-$uid ?

*1) There is no KDE5. There are KDE Frameworks 5 (KF5), Plasma 5 and the KDE Applications. The KF5 and the plasma version can be looked from the KInfocenter: https://www.kde.org/applications/system/kinfocenter/ . The KDE Applications version can be looked from the application help page.