Bluetooth mouse is laggy (low poll rate...) in 18.04

I had the same problem with a Logitech MX Master 3

Following these steps worked for me:

Following wysiwyg31's Comment, I did the following:

$ sudo nano /var/lib/bluetooth/xx\:xx\:xx\:xx\:xx\:xx/yy\:yy\:yy\:yy\:yy\:yy/info

where xx:xx.... is pc bluetooth address and yy:yy... is the mouse bluetooth address.

In the file, I added the section at the end:


then, I restarted bluetooth service with: systemctl restart bluetooth

Using to check the rate (but it was immediately noticeable when the fix worked and 22Hz became 125Hz).

$ cat /sys/module/usbhid/parameters/mousepoll

now shows "8" instead of the previeous "0"

This seems to be a problem related to newer kernel versions.

There are suggestions to change the latency parameters of the connected device through hcitool as a workaround but this only works temporarily and has to be repeated for every reconnect.

A method that worked much better for me is to permanently change the latency in a kernel configuration file by following these steps:

  1. Disconnect / unpair the problematic device.
  2. Run echo 6 > /sys/kernel/debug/bluetooth/hci0/conn_min_interval
  3. Connect / pair the device again. A reboot is most probably not required.

The source for this method can be found here.