How do I suspend Arch Linux

Solution 1:

What command suspends an appropriately configured Arch Linux system?

systemctl suspend

You might have to use sudo. There might be other ways, depending on the configuration. If anybody is willing to extend or re-answer with a complete list of what kind of one-liner commands achieve this commonly on Arch Linux systems, that'd be great to all other energy-economic people on the run for that important meeting.

Solution 2:

If you look under the section System Commands in the man-page for systemctl, you'll see the various options that are system related.

A brief list is as follows for different modes:

  • # systemctl default
  • # systemctl rescue
  • # systemctl emergency

Then, suspensions and the likes of which:

  • # systemctl halt
  • # systemctl poweroff
  • # systemctl reboot
  • # systemctl suspend
  • # systemctl hibernate
  • # systemctl hybrid-sleep

For more information regarding the system commands, you're recommended to read the man-page.