How can I hide the clock from Windows 10 taskbar

I would like to hide or remove the clock from my Windows 10 taskbar.

I did my research and the common way seems to go to "Custom Notification Icons" -> "Hide and delete quick actions" and disable here the clock.

Problem is, I don't have the clock in this menu, even though it should be here if I trust the tutorial I saw. Any tips ? What could I try ? My windows version is Windows 10 Professional. Thanks in advance.

EDIT : Here's a screen of the windows. No clock in the list. I thought about a group policy but I seriously wonder why, especially where I don't see any other mark of group policy in our computer

enter image description here

I have just tried this on mine and this works, right click the date and time on the taskbar > taskbar settings > turn system icons on or off > the choose the clock option.

In order to remove the Windows 10 desktop taskbar clock, we’ll need to make some changes in the Notifications & Actions section of the Windows 10 Settings app. To get there quickly, you can right-click on the clock in your taskbar and select Customize notification icons. This section of Settings allows the user to configure their desired Quick Actions, change which apps appear in the taskbar, and control notification settings. The option we’re looking for, however, is Turn system icons on or off. Click it to proceed to the next step.