assertEquals vs. assertEqual in python

Is there a difference between assertEquals and assertEqual in the python unittest.TestCase?

And if there is not, why are there two functions? Only for convenience?

Solution 1:

Actually, in Python 2.6, both assertEqual and assertEquals are convenience aliases to failUnlessEqual. The source declares them thus:

# Synonyms for assertion methods
assertEqual = assertEquals = failUnlessEqual

In Python 3, to your point, failUnlessEqual is explicitly deprecated. assertEquals carries this comment :-)

# Synonyms for assertion methods
# The plurals are undocumented.  Keep them that way to discourage use.
# Do not add more.  Do not remove.
# Going through a deprecation cycle on these would annoy many people.

So, the upshot appears to be that you should use whatever you like for Python 2.x, but tend toward assertEqual for Python 3.

Solution 2:

A 3.3 update: From Deprecated aliases :

For historical reasons, some of the TestCase methods had one or more aliases that are now deprecated. The following table lists the correct names along with their deprecated aliases:

Method Name   | Deprecated alias | Deprecated alias
assertEqual() | failUnlessEqual  | assertEquals

Solution 3:

Not just for Python 3.x, since Python 2.7 assertEquals has been deprecated as well:

Method Name            | Deprecated alias(es)
assertEqual()          | failUnlessEqual, assertEquals

From Deprecated aliases

Solution 4:

I think this was tension between the "only one obvious way to do it" vs. "alias to make the overall code flow semantically". Personally I found I like to read




but liked

assertEqual(a, b)

over the other two (assertEquals(a, b) bothers my sense of grammar).

The "only one obvious way to do it" has taken precedence going forward.

Solution 5:

I don't find any mention of assertEquals in However, when I import TestCase and then do a "help(TestCase)", it's listed. I think it's just a synonym for convenience.