include parent field in child object array

Not entirely sure how to phrase this without confusing everyone.. i have tried with some "groups" and project" but didn't get too far.. however, given the following object:

        "id": "61dbd1aef1eabf8d2dc9ac04",
        "name": "node01",
        "changeLog": [
                "timestamp": "2014-09-27T03:00:00Z",
                "change": [
                        "type": "update",
                        "path": [
                        "from": "",
                        "to": "test"
                        "type": "update",
                        "path": [
                        "from": "tiny",
                        "to": "small"
                "timestamp": "2015-09-27T03:00:00Z",
                "change": [
                        "type": "update",
                        "path": [
                        "from": "test",
                        "to": "prod01"
                        "type": "update",
                        "path": [
                        "from": "",
                        "to": "medium"

How can i create an aggregate pipeline, to take the "parent" timestamp of each object into its child array, then merge that into a single array of objects.. i.e.


Help is much appreciated!


  • nested map to add the timestamp in
  • to add the updated field(timestamp) in the document, mergeObjects is used
  • reduce to concat all the arrays into 1 array with all the changes

*all changes go to 1 array, so you dont really need nested array, so query produces 1 array not nested, if you want to make it nested like 1 array with 1 element, you can do it with $set in 1 stage, i didnt do it because i think its simpler like this.

*if you want to update and not just aggregate you can use update pipeline, like
update({},[...pipeline_bellow...],{"multi" : true})

Test code here

       {"$mergeObjects":["$$ch", {"timestamp":"$$log.timestamp"}]},
     "in":{"$concatArrays":["$$value", "$$this"]}}}}}])