Mac OS unable to boot with CD after Ubuntu installed

I had an issue with the MAC OS and couldn't repair the MAC os i have (10.4) on my intel duo core macbook.

So i install Ubuntu 11 on my mac and works perfectly. I am selling my laptop now to get the new macbook pro but the person who wants it needs mac os but every time I try to install it shows a folder with a question mark when I put the mac cd (Original CDs 10.4 that came with the laptop)

so i booted with the "option" and shows my hard drive, put the mac CD and it ejects it, put the ubuntu CD and works perfectly.

I try to clear the nvram: Command + Option + O + F


what can i do to install mac os?


Command-Option-O-F alone, immediately after the startup sound:

  • presents an Open Firmware prompt, only on Macs that use Open Firmware
  • does not reset NVRAM.

At an Open Firmware prompt you might enter a command such as reset-nvram – but it's not the usual approach.


Use Command-Option-P-R as instructed in Apple's article: About NVRAM and PRAM.

Additional advice

If the optical disc is loaded whilst the Mac is powered off, then C – pressed immediately after the startup sound, and held – should allow the Mac to boot from a compatible disc.

If the C key approach does not work – and if you have reset NVRAM/PRAM – then consider the possibility of a marginal optical drive and/or marginal disc.

Don't rush to reset the SMC.


Apple's Transition from Open Firmware to Extensible Firmware Interface – MacTech | The journal of Apple technology. (2007)

What is firmware? – not a great article from Apple; it mentions Open Firmware but not EFI under a list of modern products that probably do not use use Open Firmware.

"To continue booting, type 'mac-boot' and press return" Message

Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)