Sometimes applications stay in the background and have an empty white arrow in the launcher. How do I fix this?

Some applications hang, as a result they preclude this behaviour. I found this exists in thunderbird and firefox.

I recommend using a little app called FlashFreeze.

enter image description here


FlashFreeze works in Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10 and can be installed by adding the following PPA (Personal Package Archive) to your Software Sources: -


After adding the PPA run an update sudo apt-get update and install ‘flash freeze‘ from the Ubuntu Software Centre.

Here is the official documentation for the open triangle:

Single open triangle: the application is running in a different workspace (by default, Ubuntu 12.04 sets up 4 workspaces).

Except that I have been also experiencing this and the application is under no workspace. Which is probably a bug, this one, or one of its numerous duplicates.