Thunar command line options

Thunar & command line

Like you, I could not find any direct command to open a new window in either treeview or shortcuts (left) pane. I doubt if they are available.

There is however a workaround, but I don't know if you want it to be "pure", or if your goal is mainly to make it functional via command line, so that you can make a starter. If the last is the case, there is a pretty straightforward solution in xdotool.

Using xdotool to create a command

The side pane view in Thunar is set by key combinations. You can simulate these key combinations with xdotool in a command. xdotool is not installed by default, so you have to install it first:

sudo apt-get install xdotool

To generate a working command which you can use in a starter, you need to know that the key combinations to set the tree/shortcut view are:


The command to open a new Thunar window in tree view:

thunar; xdotool key ctrl+b; xdotool key ctrl+e

enter image description here

or shortcut view:

thunar; xdotool key ctrl+e; xdotool key ctrl+b

enter image description here

To make a double xdotool command seems odd, but that is necessary to prevent Thunar from cycling through the options, and hide the side pane.

if you want the window to open in a specific directory; add the directory to the command:

thunar /path; xdotool key ctrl+e; xdotool key ctrl+b

Other Thunar options

No need to say that you can use other options in Thunar in a similar way, just look at the key combination(s) after the menu options.

xfce save thunar setting in


For example, to change an attribute of the window, as the width of the sidebar, type:

xfconf-query --channel thunar --property /last-separator-position --set 400

you can create a shell script that changes the values ​​first and then run thunar.
ie, create a file as:


xfconf-query --channel thunar --property /last-side-pane --set ThunarTreePane
xfconf-query --channel thunar --property /last-separator-position --set 200
thunar &

and run it by typing:


With a little modification you can select the type of left pane by passing the argument "tree" to the script:

if [ $# -eq 1 ] && [ "$1" = "tree" ]; then
xfconf-query --channel thunar --property /last-side-pane --set "$PANE"
thunar &

so, for open thunar with treeview pane, type:

sh tree

or, for shortcut pane:


refer to xfce thunar doc page for more setting and help.