Is the row direction random when the striped candy is created indirectly?

When the striped candy is created due to other candy is cleared (unlike we create the striped candy directly), is the row direction random or is there any logic behind it's direction?



In the above situation if I clear the candy "0" it will create a striped candy for "#" (because candies # will go down by one row.) like below:


Will result in


But I am not sure the direction of this striped candy which is created indirectly. Is it created by any logic or is it created randomly?

Note: I am not asking the location of the striped candy. It is random AFAIK.


  • 0: red candy
  • #: blue candy
  • *: striped blue candy

Solution 1:

As for all the special candy i never seen a patern in the position nor the direction of the stripes when creating these indirectly. This seems (is) completely random. Source: I'm currently at level 165.