How do you get current active/default Environment profile programmatically in Spring?

Solution 1:

You can autowire the Environment

Environment env;

Environment offers:

  • String[] getActiveProfiles(),
  • String[] getDefaultProfiles(), and
  • boolean acceptsProfiles(String... profiles)

Solution 2:

Extending User1648825's nice simple answer:

private String activeProfile;

This may throw an IllegalArgumentException if no profiles are set (I get a null value). This may be a Good Thing if you need it to be set; if not use the 'default' syntax for @Value, ie:

private String activeProfile;

...activeProfile now contains 'Unknown' if could not be resolved

Solution 3:

Here is a more complete example.

Autowire Environment

First you will want to autowire the environment bean.

private Environment environment;

Check if Profiles exist in Active Profiles

Then you can use getActiveProfiles() to find out if the profile exists in the list of active profiles. Here is an example that takes the String[] from getActiveProfiles(), gets a stream from that array, then uses matchers to check for multiple profiles(Case-Insensitive) which returns a boolean if they exist.

//Check if Active profiles contains "local" or "test"
   env -> (env.equalsIgnoreCase("test") 
   || env.equalsIgnoreCase("local")) )) 
//Check if Active profiles contains "prod"
else if(
   env -> (env.equalsIgnoreCase("prod")) )) 

You can also achieve similar functionality using the annotation @Profile("local") Profiles allow for selective configuration based on a passed-in or environment parameter. Here is more information on this technique: Spring Profiles

Solution 4:

private String activeProfile;

It works and you don't need to implement EnvironmentAware. But I don't know drawbacks of this approach.

Solution 5:

If you're not using autowiring, simply implement EnvironmentAware