Jenkins pipeline script - become self aware - need directory of Jenkinsfile

There are lots of ways to do this. Here are two ways I can think of off the top of my head:

steps {


steps {
  def foo = sh(script: 'pwd', returnStdout: true)

In my MultiBranchPipeline I've achieved the goal using this shared library code:

import jenkins.model.Jenkins

String call() {
    String thisMultiBranchProjectName = JOB_NAME.split('/')[0]
    def thisMultiBranchProject = Jenkins.getInstance().getItemByFullName(thisMultiBranchProjectName)
    def thisBranchProjectFactory = thisMultiBranchProject.getProjectFactory()
    String thisStringPath = thisBranchProjectFactory.getScriptPath()

    return thisStringPath

I do concede that this looks more like a hack…