Openstreetmap: embedding map in webpage (like Google Maps)

Is there a way to embed/mashup the OpenStreetMap in your page (like the way Google Maps API works)?

I need to show a map inside my page with some markers and allow dragging/zooming around, maybe routing. I suspect there would be some Javascript API for this, but I can't seem to find it.

Searching gets me an API for access to raw map data, but that seems to be more for map editing; besides, working with that would be a heavy task for AJAX.

You need to use some JavaScript stuff to show your map. OpenLayers is the number one choice for this.

There is an example at and something more advanced at


There's now also Leaflet, which is built with mobile devices in mind.

There is a Quick Start Guide for leaflet. Besides basic features such as markers, with plugins it also supports routing using an external service.

For a simple map, it is IMHO easier and faster to set up than OpenLayers, yet fully configurable and tweakable for more complex uses.

Simple OSM Slippy Map Demo/Example

Click on "Run code snippet" to see an embedded OpenStreetMap slippy map with a marker on it. This was created with Leaflet.


// Where you want to render the map.
var element = document.getElementById('osm-map');

// Height has to be set. You can do this in CSS too. = 'height:300px;';

// Create Leaflet map on map element.
var map =;

// Add OSM tile layer to the Leaflet map.
L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
    attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'

// Target's GPS coordinates.
var target = L.latLng('47.50737', '19.04611');

// Set map's center to target with zoom 14.
map.setView(target, 14);

// Place a marker on the same location.
<script src="[email protected]/dist/leaflet.js"></script>
<link href="[email protected]/dist/leaflet.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div id="osm-map"></div>


  • Uses OpenStreetMaps.
  • Centers the map to the target GPS.
  • Places a marker on the target GPS.
  • Only uses Leaflet as a dependency.


I used the CDN version of Leaflet here, but you can download the files so you can serve and include them from your own host.