How do I update to the latest version of SASS?

Solution 1:

What we ended up doing was the following:

First, we installed rvm using the rails ready one-liner:

wget --no-check-certificate && bash

Selecting option 2 (RVM) when asked.

Then, we did source ~/.bashrc

Then we did a gem install sass --pre (no sudo).

Solution 2:

Remove it and then reinstall:

sudo gem uninstall -Iax sass
sudo gem install sass --pre

New Edit: I've just seen that you might have been using the haml-edge gem (which packs its own copy of sass). Nuke that and install sass-proper.

sudo gem uninstall -Iax haml-edge
sudo gem install sass --pre


Old Edit if you've still got stuff left over it sounds like there's been a manual install, another gem has set something up or you've installed it from a package. I'd be tempted to tell you to nuke it from orbit and fix it later.

Run nano $(which sass) and see what you're dealing with. In my gem-installed version I see a header like:

# This file was generated by RubyGems.
# The application 'sass' is installed as part of a gem, and
# this file is here to facilitate running it.

If you see something similar, that suggests there's something fishy and I vote you just run:

sudo rm "$(which sass)" "$(which sass-convert)" "$(which scss)"

If there's a different header in there, it might give you a clue where it came from. If it's a package you've installed, remove it. If you can't (eg it's a dependency) you could nuke the file and replace accordingly (knowing that it might break the dependency anyway).

But at the end of the day, it's only a Ruby gem. Killing it isn't going to cancel Christmas.

Solution 3:

I've tested this on Linux Mint 14 (Nadia), i.e. Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal).

1. Check your environnement

First check you current version of sass

sass --version # Sass 3.1.19 (Brainy Betty)
which sass # /usr/bin/sass

2. Remove distro packages

remove packages installed with the packages manager (i.e apt-get or apitude) as they take priority

apt-get remove ruby-sass ruby-compass

Note: this can be skipped if you configure your $PATH to target the right binary (see below).

3. Install new version

apt-get install ruby-full 
gem install sass 
gem install compass

4. Test version

sass --version # Sass 3.2.7 (Media Mark)
which sass # /usr/local/bin/sass


  • Installing Sass and Compass Ubuntu 12.10
  • How to install sass on Ubuntu Precise 12.04 LTS