Authentication issue with CUPS 5.3.1 on SMB Printer

Solution 1:

Hurrah, its working. The problem is related to a really strange authentication issue that 12.04 has with samba. As I also had problems connecting to the samba drives, I read that server and domain names need to be in uppercase (I have no clue why) to make them work.

For the samba printer, it was enough to just have the domain name uppercase, such as this:


take care to unlock caps lock before entering the password :-)

I hope this saves someone time.

Solution 2:

Solution for Ubuntu 14.04.

  1. Go to Terminal and run:

     sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
  2. There change:

    workgroup = YOURDOMAIN
  3. Test syntax is ok by typing in terminal:

  4. On system settings -> printer -> properties, set the authentication details as follows:

    Username [email protected]
    Password yourpass
  5. Print test page

That should do it