Ubuntu 13.04: Set Terminator as default terminal emulator with nautilus "open terminal"

I have upgraded to Ubuntu 13.04 a few days ago.
With Ubuntu 12.10 I had set the default terminal with:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec /usr/bin/terminator
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec-arg "-x"

I had set it with sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator too.

But none of these options work on Ubuntu 13.04.

How can I set Terminator as default terminal emulator with nautilus "open terminal"?

This isn't a duplicate. As I've said: the solutions in How can I set default terminal used in Unity? doesn't work on Ubuntu 13.04 with nautilus "open terminal".
My question is: "Set Terminator as default terminal emulator WITH NAUTILUS "OPEN TERMINAL" on Ubuntu 13.04"

Solution 1:

Here's how to add an 'Open in Terminator' option:

  1. Install 'Nautilus-Actions Configuration Tool'

    sudo apt-get install nautilus-actions
  2. In 'Nautilus-Actions Configuration Tool', add a new rule with the following (as a guidance):

    • In the Actions tab, tick both boxes and select an appropriate name (e.g. Open in Terminator):

      Action (tab)

    • In the Command tab, set:

      • Path: terminator
      • Parameters: --working-directory=%f

      Command (tab)

    • In the Mimetypes tab, set:

      • Mimetype filter: inode/directory

    Mimetypes (tab)

    • Go to File > Save to save the rule and you're all set.
  3. I recommend that you also change the preferences in Nautious-Actions Configuration Tool to get rid of the two level context menu by unticking the following in Edit > Preferences:

    • (untick) Create a root 'Nautilus-Actions' menu
    • (untick) Add an 'About Nautious-Actions' item in the Nautilus context menus


  4. Log out and Log in again.

Now you're all set and should see a 'Open in Terminator' option if you right-click in Nautilus.