How do I fix this missing semicolon syntax error in Javascript?

Your issue is the fact that the i in function is the unicode character i. If you change it to a 'normal' i it should just work.

But now I'm wondering how the hack :) did you get an unicode character there :P

unicode error in js

You have misspelled the "function" :)

var say = function(message){
    return message;


You have inserted functіon :)

I've copied and pasted it in my notepad++ and your code look like this in my notepad++, retype your function keyword, i is replaced by ?.

var say = funct?on(message) {
      return message;

I copied your code into jsfiddle, and Chrome too gives an error. I deleted the word "function", and re-typed "function", and it worked fine.

There must be some extra character there.