Some way to launch/display Notification Center from Quicksilver/Launchbar/Alfred?

Pick your favorite launcher (Quicksilver, LaunchBar, etc.)… My current choice is QS, but I'm ok with methods for another launcher. Is there a method to launch/call the notification center from one of these applications?

I know there is a way to set a global hotkey, but another global key is the last thing I need… my current ones are already causing conflicts with one or two apps, and I'll never remember another one. Is there a way to index whatever script or system action is triggered by the two-finger swipe from the edge of the screen?

Here is what you want:

tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Notification Center"
        click menu bar item 1 of menu bar 1
    end tell
end tell

Then, just save the script, then just add it to quicksilver's triggers.