ShellNew Icon for "." File Type

I have successfully created a ShellNew command so that I can create a new blank file with no file extension, with the reg file being:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



@="Empty File"



@="Empty File"


This works fantastic, creating the file just how I want it to, but the icon displayed in the ShellNew window is the icon for the System Partition [below]; how can I change this icon to match the DefaultIcon I am providing for the file type itself?

  • I have tried making an "Icon" String Value like what I had to do for the Unity and Sublime Text menu items, but that did not work no matter where I put it

Solution 1:

Try this, which works like magic, with the only change being I added an IconPath at the .ext level (file type associations are amazing stuff!):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="Empty File"



@="Empty File"
