Func delegate with no return type

All Func delegates return something; all the Action delegates return void.

Func<TResult> takes no arguments and returns TResult:

public delegate TResult Func<TResult>()

Action<T> takes one argument and does not return a value:

public delegate void Action<T>(T obj)

Action is the simplest, 'bare' delegate:

public delegate void Action()

There's also Func<TArg1, TResult> and Action<TArg1, TArg2> (and others up to 16 arguments). All of these (except for Action<T>) are new to .NET 3.5 (defined in System.Core).

... takes no arguments and has a void return type?

I believe Action is a solution to this.

All of the Func delegates take at least one parameter

That's not true. They all take at least one type argument, but that argument determines the return type.

So Func<T> accepts no parameters and returns a value. Use Action or Action<T> when you don't want to return a value.