Is there a way to set an Application Shortcut in the Keyboard Preference Pane via Terminal?

Solution 1:

You could use the defaults command on ~/Library/Preferences/

The file's structor seems a bit overly complex, but:*

131072: Shift
262144: Control
524288: Option
1048576: Command

Add modifier values together in the 3rd parameter to combine them.

{ AppleSymbolicHotKeys = {

# Move focus to the menu bar - Control, F2
7 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 120, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Move focus to the Dock - Control, F3
8 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 99, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Move focus to active or next window - Control, F4
9 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 118, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Move focus to window toolbar - Control, F5
10 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 96, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Move focus to floating window - Control, F6
11 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 97, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# ??? - Control, F1
12 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 122, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Change the way Tab moves focus - Control, F7
13 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 98, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Turn zoom on or off - Command, Option, 8
15 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 56, 28, 1572864 ); type = standard; }; };

# Zoom in - Command, Option, =
17 = { enabled = 0; value = { parameters = ( 61, 24, 1572864 ); type = standard; }; };

# Zoom out - Command, Option, -
19 = { enabled = 0; value = { parameters = ( 45, 27, 1572864 ); type = standard; }; };

# Reverse Black and White - Command, Control, Option, 8
21 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 56, 28, 1835008 ); type = standard; }; };

# Turn image smoothing on or off - Command, Option, \
23 = { enabled = 0; value = { parameters = ( 92, 42, 1572864 ); type = standard; }; };

# Increase Contrast - Command, Control, Option, .
25 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 46, 47, 1835008 ); type = standard; }; };

# Decrease Contrast - Command, Control, Option, ','
26 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 44, 43, 1835008 ); type = standard; }; };

# Move focus to the next window in application - Command, backtic
27 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 96, 50, 1048576 ); type = standard; }; };

# Save picture of screen as file - Command, Shift, 3
28 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 51, 20, 1179648 ); type = standard; }; };

# Copy picture of screen to clipboard - Command, Control, Shift, 3
29 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 51, 20, 1441792 ); type = standard; }; };

# Save picture of selected area as file - Command, Shift, 4
30 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 52, 21, 1179648 ); type = standard; }; };

# Copy picture of selected area to clipboard - Command, Control, Shift, 4
31 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 52, 21, 1441792 ); type = standard; }; };

# All Windows - F9
32 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 101, 0 ); type = standard; }; };

# Application Windows - F10
33 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 109, 0 ); type = standard; }; };

# All Windows (Slow) - F9
34 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 101, 131072 ); type = standard; }; };

# Application Windows (Slow) - F10
35 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 109, 131072 ); type = standard; }; };

# Desktop - F11
36 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 103, 0 ); type = standard; }; };

# Desktop (Slow) - F11
37 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 103, 131072 ); type = standard; }; };

# ??? - Command, Option, T
50 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 116, 17, 1572864 ); type = standard; }; };

# Move focus to the window drawer - Command, Option, quote
51 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 39, 50, 1572864 ); type = standard; }; };

# Turn Dock Hiding On/Off - Command, Option, D
52 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 100, 2, 1572864 ); type = standard; }; };

# ??? - F14
53 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 107, 0 ); type = standard; }; };

# ??? - F15
54 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 113, 0 ); type = standard; }; };

# ??? - Option, F14
55 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 107, 524288 ); type = standard; }; };

# ??? - Option, F15
56 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 113, 524288 ); type = standard; }; };

# Move focus to the status menus - Control, F8
57 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 100, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Turn VoiceOver on / off - Command, F5
59 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 96, 1048576 ); type = standard; }; };

# Select the previous input source - Command, Option, Space
60 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 32, 49, 1572864 ); type = standard; }; };

# Select the next source in the Input Menu - Command, Option, Shift, Space
61 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 32, 49, 1703936 ); type = standard; }; };

# Dashboard - F12
62 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 111, 0 ); type = standard; }; };

# Dashboard (Slow) - F12
63 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 111, 131072 ); type = standard; }; };

# Show Spotlight search field - Command, Shift, Space
64 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 49, 1179648 ); type = standard; }; };

# Show Spotlight window - Control, Shift, Space
65 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 49, 393216 ); type = standard; }; };

# Dictionary MouseOver - Command, Shift, E
70 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 101, 2, 1179648 ); type = standard; }; };

# Hide and show Front Row - Command, Esc
73 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 53, 1048576 ); type = standard; }; };

# Activate Spaces - F8
75 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 100, 0 ); type = standard; }; };

# Activate Spaces (Slow) - Shift, F8
76 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 100, 131072 ); type = standard; }; };

# Spaces Left - Control, Left
79 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 123, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Spaces Right - Control, Right
81 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 124, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Spaces Down - Control, Down
83 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 125, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Spaces Up - Control, Up
85 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 126, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Show Help Menu - Command, Shift, /
91 = { enabled = 0; };
92 = { enabled = 0; };
98 = { enabled = 0; value = { parameters = ( 47, 44, 1179648 ); type = standard; }; };

# Switch to Space 1 - Control, 1
118 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 18, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Switch to Space 2 - Control, 2
119 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 19, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Switch to Space 3 - Control, 3
120 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 20, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

# Switch to Space 4 - Control, 4
121 = { enabled = 1; value = { parameters = ( 65535, 21, 262144 ); type = standard; }; };

122 = { enabled = 0; };
123 = { enabled = 0; };
124 = { enabled = 0; };
125 = { enabled = 0; };
126 = { enabled = 0; };
127 = { enabled = 0; };
128 = { enabled = 0; };
129 = { enabled = 0; };
130 = { enabled = 0; };
131 = { enabled = 0; };
132 = { enabled = 0; };
133 = { enabled = 0; };
134 = { enabled = 0; };
135 = { enabled = 0; };
136 = { enabled = 0; };
137 = { enabled = 0; };
138 = { enabled = 0; };
139 = { enabled = 0; };
140 = { enabled = 0; };
141 = { enabled = 0; };
142 = { enabled = 0; };
143 = { enabled = 0; };
144 = { enabled = 0; };
145 = { enabled = 0; };
146 = { enabled = 0; };
147 = { enabled = 0; };
148 = { enabled = 0; };
149 = { enabled = 0; };
}; }

Two decent sources:


*this is a bit dated