Copying and pasting text between applications without style

O/S X does have a "universal" key combination to paste without any style, it's SHIFT-COMMAND-OPTION-V

Unfortunately Microsoft uses their own text engine rather than the Mac's built-in one so that does not work there. The only options I have found for word is to create a Macro to paste plain text. You could download one of this but the one's I found were for the PC version and I never got them to work in the Mac version.

But I just find it easier to paste it into a plain text editor (I use Bbedit or TextWrangler, the free version.) Then copy and paste that into my word document. Annoying but it works for me.

I believe there are a number of clipboard utilities that will do what you ask. A quick visit to should help with that.

You can use the edit option Paste and Match Style which actually works by inserting copied text as plain text. By doing so, you can just copy and paste without the notes detour in your work-around. The default shortcut is ⌥⇧⌘V (ALT/SHIFT/CMD-V) but see below how to configure a simpler one.

Some applications provide the same functionality, but name it differently in their edit menu. For these, you can add an entry to App Shortcuts with those applications' different Menu Title but with the same shortcut.

To do so

  1. go to System preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts
  2. click the plus button to add a new shortcut
  3. select All Applications
  4. enter the app's Menu Title for pasting unformatted text
  5. enter the Keyboard Shortcut by pressing the keys (at the same time)

The default shortcut ⌥⇧⌘V requires quite some finger artistic skills. To set up a simpler shortcut, just follow the above steps but enter a different key combination. For example, I use ⌥⌘V (ALT/CMD-V) which is similar to the original shortcut, but much easier to handle.