make iframe height dynamic based on content inside- JQUERY/Javascript

I am loading an aspx web page in an iframe. The content in the Iframe can be of more height than the iframe's height. The iframe should not have scroll bars.

I have a wrapper div tag inside the iframe which basically is all the content. I wrote some jQuery to make the resize happen :

$("#TB_window", window.parent.document).height($("body").height() + 50);

where TB_window is the div in which the Iframe is contained.

body - the body tag of the aspx in the iframe.

This script is attached to the iframe content. I am getting the TB_window element from the parent page. While this works fine on Chrome, but the TB_window collapses in Firefox. I am really confused/lost on why that happens.

You can retrieve the height of the IFRAME's content by using: contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight

After the IFRAME is loaded, you can then change the height by doing the following:

<script type="text/javascript">
  function iframeLoaded() {
      var iFrameID = document.getElementById('idIframe');
      if(iFrameID) {
            // here you can make the height, I delete it first, then I make it again
            iFrameID.height = "";
            iFrameID.height = iFrameID.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + "px";

Then, on the IFRAME tag, you hook up the handler like this:

<iframe id="idIframe" onload="iframeLoaded()" ...

I had a situation a while ago where I additionally needed to call iframeLoaded from the IFRAME itself after a form-submission occurred within. You can accomplish that by doing the following within the IFRAME's content scripts:


A slightly improved answer to Aristos...

<script type="text/javascript">
  function resizeIframe(iframe) {
    iframe.height = iframe.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + "px";

Then declare in your iframe as follows:

<iframe onload="resizeIframe(this)" ...

There are two minor improvements:

  1. You don't need to get the element via document.getElementById - as you already have it in the onload callback.
  2. There's no need to set the iframe.height = "" if you're going to reassign it in the very next statement. Doing so actually incurs an overhead as you're dealing with a DOM element.

Edit: If the content in the frame is always changing then call:


from within the iframe after the update. Works for same origin.

Or to auto detect:

  // on resize
  this.container = this.frameElement.contentWindow.document.body; = () => {

    if (this.lastScrollHeight !== container.scrollHeight) {
    this.lastScrollHeight = container.scrollHeight;
    this.watcher = requestAnimationFrame(;
  this.watcher = window.requestAnimationFrame(;