What advantages do capturing the two altars on the new Twisted Treeline map give?

There are two altars in the middle of the jungle on the remade Twisted Treeline map. What advantages do my team and I get for capturing them?

Solution 1:

I played custom game to see what is true.

(Do note: These pictures are outdated. Bonus gold is now +3 ) One AltarTwo Altairs

You get 3 gold per kill and 10% buff to AD and AP.

Also, every time you capture an altar, you gain 80 gold per player, 240 gold total for the whole team. This means capturing both altars will net your entire team 480 gold.

Solution 2:

You get three extra gold per minion kill. Additionally, holding both gives your team a 10% buff to AD and AP.

Capturing an altar makes it uncapturable by the other team for 90 seconds.

Lastly, your team is granted vision of the altar itself.

Sources: YouTube commentary with Janook, League of Legends Wikia