How do I make HTTrack download at 15MBps?

Solution 1:

You need to put 0 for max transfer rate and add --disable-security-limits in the scan rules box + 2nd screen that William Hilsum posted.

Solution 2:

Unless you are downloading from an office with a hefty internet connection or you have a good fibre connection, it is unlikely (but not impossible) you are connected to the internet at 54MBs, this is infact the speed that your computer is connected to the wireless router.

1Mbps may be the limit of your connection, other than that, I use HTTrack and whilst it is very good, it is slow as it has to index the site and build up a list of files to download.

If you want to check for limits, before you start the download, click on Set options... and you should be able to set any limit you want under the Limits or Flow Control tabs.

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Solution 3:

I set the follow and am spiking at 17MiB/s on a 100Mb/s connection.


  • Max transfer rate (B/s) = 0 B/s
  • Max connections / second = Blank

Flow Control:

  • Number of connections = 99
  • Persistent connection (Keep-Alive) = Check (enabled)

enter image description here

Solution 4:

Using the command line, I get excellent speed with these parameters:

httrack "" -O "./" "+**" --sockets=99 −−max−rate=0 --disable-security-limits −−keep−alive -v