regex : does not begin by "pattern"

Solution 1:

Using grep in this case with -P option, which Interprets the PATTERN as a Perl regular expression

grep -P '^(?:(?!git).)*$' LIST

Regular expression explanation:

^             the beginning of the string
 (?:          group, but do not capture (0 or more times)
   (?!        look ahead to see if there is not:
     git      'git'
   )          end of look-ahead
   .          any character except \n
 )*           end of grouping
$             before an optional \n, and the end of the string

Using the find command

find . \! -iname "git*"

Solution 2:

Since the OP is looking for a general regex and not specially for grep, this is the general regex for lines not starting with "git".



^ beginning of line

(?!git) not followed by 'git'

.* followed by 0 or more characters

Solution 3:

If you want to simply list all lines that don't contain git try this

 cat LIST | grep -v git